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Safe, Seen and Celebrated

Michael Livian, CFA

Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting Peter Buffett (Warren Buffett's son). Peter is a very talented composer, musician, New York Times' best-selling author ("Life is What You Make It") and philanthropist. He performed and conducted a semi-intimate conversation with a small group of financial professionals at a conference in New York City.

In his multimedia presentation he shared details about his childhood and upbringing, his music career and his philanthropic interests. He gave us almost unlimited time to ask any questions we were interested in.

Intrigued by his background, I asked him if there was any one memory of his childhood that he is very fond of or that changed his life. Peter was caught off-guard at first. He said he grew up in a loving home that was very "consistent". He then proceeded to say that he always felt "safe, seen and celebrated" and that this is how every parent should make their children feel.

Peter came across as an extraordinary person, accomplished on his own merits! "Safe, seen and celebrated" should be added to the long list of maxims attributed to Buffett's family.

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